
Pengalaman Memasak: Martabak

Cover Image for Pengalaman Memasak: Martabak
Fikri Rozan Imadudin
Fikri Rozan Imadudin

Game with theme cooking drag and drop built with Godot game engine. I built with originally art and sound with well documented structure. The game itself inspire from diner dash and good pizza great pizza. I built this game starting at 2020 at covid time peirod.

This game offers players to manage time and cook creatively. Cooking Experience uses a drag-and-drop mechanism, players can experience their virtual kitchen with great fun. In Cooking Experience players prepare what hungry customers ask for and prepare food with a delightful martabak appearance. This game depicts selling food with the essence of the real world.

The Progress

Taking inspiration from the games Diner Dash and Good Pizza Great Pizza, this game was created using the new Godot Engine. In making this game, I first created a Game Design Document so that this game was in accordance with the wishes I created. In designing it, I made it from small parts first and then combined them.

I create art and music using software such as Krita, Inkscape, LMMs and Audacity. Even though I'm not good at drawing, I work hard so that the results look worthy of being displayed.

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